Kimpton RiverPlace Hotel i Portland

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterKimpton RiverPlace Hotel



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1510, Southwest Harbor Way, 97201, Portland, Multnomah County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakter telefon: +1 503-228-3233
internet side:
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Latitude: 45.511326, Longitude: -122.674207

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tim Cathcart


    The bar area is nicely appointed and the outdoor space is great; it looks out over the park. They do not have a happy hour, and drinks and snacks were on the spendy side. The (expanded) beer list is a bit unconventional, but good. The crab cakes were mediocre (light on the crab for my tastes).

  • Mike Mathews

    Mike Mathews


    We attended a wedding reception at the Kimpton Riverplace. The staff was great, both professional and Portland-friendly. Food at an event is always a questionable, but the dinner at this reception was excellent. My pork chop was cooked perfectly, most and melt-y. Other guests reported the chicken they selected was great. The side dishes were hot and tasty, not the typical neglected servings. Overall, I'd say this was easily in the top list of event dinners I've had in the U.S. or abroad.

  • Lurdes Sanchez

    Lurdes Sanchez


    My husband and I hardly have time together as he is active Army and I'm a full time student with a full time job and also a reservist. We recently got married and decided to go to this hotel as our "mini" honeymoon. The staff went above and beyond and made our experience there unforgettable! I will forever be gracious that they made our time there so special. Thank you all for making our stay remarkable! It meant the world to us!

  • L Manning

    L Manning


    Amazing - clean - luxurious - polite friendly staff- excellent service- great food- awesome views- wonderful outdoor biking/running/walking right on property-incredible location and they allow dogs! We’ve stayed there at least 5 or more times now. Consistently terrific!!!

  • Bin Zhu

    Bin Zhu


    Got a good deal from priceline and this hotel is very good. Luxury looking decorations and nice staff. No on-site parking and valet is 35 bucks or something. Very dog friendly, I brought my puppy and we met a bunch of dogs with very nice owners. It's right beside the water so walking around the waterfront area is a nice bonus. Not very close to downtown but still walkable. Overall experience is A+ will come again.

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