Kimpton Mason & Rook Hotel i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterKimpton Mason & Rook Hotel


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1430, Rhode Island Avenue Northwest, 20005, Washington, US USA
kontakter telefon: +1 202-742-3100
internet side:
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Latitude: 38.9080536, Longitude: -77.0328959

kommentar 5

  • T S

    T S


    Went to the bar/restaurant, Radiator, for happy hour. Pregnant wife was charged full price, albeit happy hour price, for a virgin drink special. All food was edible, but nothing special. Service was friendly and prompt. All in all a very average experience, but at least the setting was pleasant.

  • en

    Julie Burroughs


    I love that they provide full size shampoo, conditioner, and bodywash. The rooms are large and clean. In the evening they provide wine to help relax. I really like the fact they are pet friendly and didn't charge a pet fee. The also offer bicycles! I highly recommend this hotel.

  • en

    Michelle C


    I have stayed at Mason and Rook several times now for business. It is incredible!! From the conseirge to the restaurant staff, front desk and housekeeping, everyone makes you feel welcome. Access to restaurants and shopping is just a short walk away and it's the best place to relax! Big shout out to the gentlemen in the front who always greet you with a smile and hello and to the BEST server in the Radiator!! I will be back!

  • en

    MacKenzie Smith


    Location is great, in the heart of everything. Ubers and taxis are easily available. Desk attendants were very friendly and willing to help. Welcoming atmosphere. Pool and bar are both great amenities to have on the rooftop. Happy Hour was a nice surprise as well. Food is pricey, as expected, but there are plenty of options within a 20 min walk to eat instead.

  • Tetyana Hansen

    Tetyana Hansen


    Amazing, trendy place! Loved it. So accomodating. Sarah at the bar was outstanding. I had a creepy guy kept trying to start a political fight with me and she had my back. She was personable, respectful and strong. I admired her from then on. Overall amazing place and new design and furniture. Highly recommend.

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