Kimi Nails w Maywood

Stany ZjednoczoneKimi Nails


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

128, West Pleasant Avenue, 07607, Maywood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-291-3800
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9056921, Longitude: -74.0650084

komentarze 5

  • Lucy McKenzie

    Lucy McKenzie


    Just got a manicure, but love how fast they were and friendly staff

  • en

    Warby Peffercorn


    This is the worst nail salon ever! Don't spend your time , energy or money at this salon. The customer service is horrible . I made an appointment for a specific type of manicure and when I arrived at the facility I was told I made the wrong type of appointment and I couldn't be accommodated until later. This is because only one employee is able to provide that service. I very clearly explain the type of appointment I needed so putting the blame on me is ridiculous. This isn't the first miscommunication that has happened at this establishment. It seems the the language barrier becomes impossible to overcome when discussing problem they have caused. Also there is only one manager , the owner, and if she isn't there no one is appointed second in command so nothing can be resolved. If I could give less than one stars I would.

  • avia bruce

    avia bruce


    Worst experience ever! I called at 6 to see what time they closed just so I could get my eyebrows done(which takes 15 mins max!) they told me to “come now” which I did. Once I got there by 6:30pm, they rushed me into the back room.... I gave the person specific instructions as to what I needed done only for him to TELL me he had done the complete opposite of what I asked once he was done. I was an super nice walking in(because I knew they were closing IN A HALF HOUR) and shouldn’t have been as nice as I walked out... I will never go back to get anything done at this place. Thanks but no thanks... Honestly... this one star im giving this place is a blessing.

  • Deborah M

    Deborah M


    Pedicures are the worst. And overall everything is over priced. I asked to have my acrylics removed and they were insisting me to get the full works that cost me $100. I kept telling them no thank you... All I asked was for the tip removal on my nails and just put regular acrylic on my own nails that were already long... They charged me $68 just for that. Plus they charged me $48 for a gel pedicure. To start they didn't know what a gel pedi existed. They did the worst job. I decided to travel an hour away from my house to go to the lady that use to do my nails. With no discounts and her having to do my acrylics all over again; cause they did a disguising job; plus add in the French gel on my nails and a another add on gel pedi; she charged me all together $60; same thing was done at Kimi's and they charged me $116 plus tip; a on a job that was gross. Never again will I go there. Plus they use cheap materials and charge like they have 14k gold in them... Worst place to go.

  • Cynthia Guarini

    Cynthia Guarini


    This was one of the worst pedicures I have had. I was in the water for a nano second. She used an emery board to file and buff my nails. I had blue polish when I arrived, and I still have blue on my nails. I was very unhappy! Never will I go back.

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