Kim Rick T DDS i Bellflower

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterKim Rick T DDS


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10106, Alondra Boulevard, 90706, Bellflower, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 562-867-5117
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Latitude: 33.8891634, Longitude: -118.1197303

kommentar 2

  • Bobbie Fahmy

    Bobbie Fahmy


    I made a appointment for myself and my daughter with Dr. Kim about 3 weeks ago for 2 p.m. and they called me 2 days before my appointment to confirm. However, the office closes for lunch 1-2 pm. Out of common sense and courtesy you would think they would tell the customers that the office closes 1:00 pm and reopens at 2 pm, but they did not after rushing from work to be on time. So I sit in my car for about 15 minutes waiting. When they did finally come to the office I proceeded inside the office. I mention to the lady at the desk (which had a bad attitude) if the doctor was in and she stated NO he comes in on Wednesday and Thursday!!!!! REALLY! then I ask her why am I here and she stated "WHO ARE YOU!" Wow, I was really amazed how rude she was and how unprofessional she was. I have seen Dr. Kim in the past and he is an amazing Dr. but so bad he lost 2 customers over a very unprofessional lady at the front desk. I won't be back.

  • Carol Worth

    Carol Worth


    Dr. Rick Kim is an excellent Dentist. He and his staff are very caring and knowledgeable in their areas of expertise. I have had less than pleasant experiences when having dental work done (by some others) in the past, and as a result would dread visiting a Dentist! I am very thankful a friend recommended Dr. Kim!! 😁💕

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