Kiddy Kutz w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneKiddy Kutz



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22-77, Steinway Street, 11105, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-301-5852
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7710472, Longitude: -73.9078247

komentarze 5

  • Jessica Flanagan

    Jessica Flanagan


    Jen goes above and beyond to make our kids comfortable and happy :) my son has sensory issues so she blocked out his appointment time so he would have the place to himself and gave him choices throughout the cut. We'll definitely be back! Our first tear-free haircut!

  • en

    maria ramos


    Great place to have picked for my sons first hair cut. The girls-stylist that are there are great with kids. The theme of the place, the ambiance, and the certificate they give with the child’s locks is awesome and very creative! Great customer service! Jennifer was our stylist and she showed great patience and passion for what she does. Will definitely continue coming back and would recommend especially for a first hair cut experience.

  • en



    Brought my 15 month old for his first haircut and she did an amazing job. We got a cute little certificate for his "first haircut" and a little piece of hair taped on.. Its a great olace for you little ones first haircut. The hair stylist was great and did an amazing job. Parking is usually pretty good around there during the day.

  • en

    Luis Perez


    Upon arriving at Kiddy Kutz, my wife, my son and i were immediately greeted by the stylist and her co-worker. They were extremely nice to us especially my son. I asked the stylist for pictures of her work and she gladly provided me with pictures and a bit of insight on the types of haircuts she provides. We agreed on a buzz cut. My son did not cry for the entire hair cut, instead he laughed and jumped around in the little car. We loved the haircut and we would definitely recommend Kiddy Kutz to anyone. Good Job guys!

  • Z Briggs

    Z Briggs


    My children (4.5 and 2.5) love getting their hair cut here. It is by appointment only, and we always go on weekdays when she serves one client at a time. It is wonderful because the owner's full attention is on the child. The seats are shaped like different kinds of cars, and there is even a bouncer seat for babies. My kids love picking what they will watch while they get their hair cut and before we leave we always get a balloon and a special treat. The owner, Jen, is making constant improvements to her business and we always feel like family when we are there.

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