Keystone Heritage Park and the El Paso Desert Botanical Garden i El Paso

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Forenede StaterKeystone Heritage Park and the El Paso Desert Botanical Garden



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4200, Doniphan Drive, 79912, El Paso, El Paso County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 915-584-0563
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Latitude: 31.820571, Longitude: -106.563529

kommentar 5

  • Jesus Gonzalez

    Jesus Gonzalez


    Lovely place, a nice little historic place right here in oir hometown. The park has a wide variety of native plants and trees and it also has a little archeological site

  • Rob Moore

    Rob Moore


    Great place to hang on your day off... The plants, layout, and jogging trail definitely make this a spot great for day-dates, meditation, yoga, or just to take in and expire the local vegetation... I'll definitely be heading back, soon...

  • Michael Druck

    Michael Druck


    Small, beautifully landscaped, nice kids area with a maze, inexpensive ( donation $2, $1 Seniors and Military, kids?). Wetlands (same additional donation) also accessable from the parking lot.

  • Jeanie Wild

    Jeanie Wild


    We maintained peaceful sanctuary. I love the huge sandbox with plenty of sand toys and great maze for children. It's well designed and very affordable. Don't forget to purchase a plant to help support this great venu.

  • Wendiglow



    Beautiful botanical garden, it represents the plants of the southwest so we'll. My daughter loved running through the labyrinth and playing in the sand pit. Highly recommend!

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