Key Food Fresh of Valley Stream w Valley Stream

Stany ZjednoczoneKey Food Fresh of Valley Stream



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1805, North Central Avenue, 11580, Valley Stream, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-285-4490
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6826299, Longitude: -73.7145594

komentarze 5

  • Genevieve Jean

    Genevieve Jean


    Store is well organized and clean. Staff is also friendly and helpful

  • en

    RA M


    Clean supermarket with the options to purchase hot lunch meals and coffee, which is pretty good. Customer service to me can be improved, maybe a good morning from staff especially the checkout clerks.

  • en

    Scott Tissue


    Clean store. Quality products. Nice people all around. Good parking. Even the outside is clean. My only issue is the aisles have many self standing displays so it is at times difficult to navigate. Overall it is a nice store.

  • Tiffany



    Would give 1 or no stars except a Lot of the staff is very kind. There are a few whom seem 2 racial profile and watch me as I shop despite that I've never even attempted 2 steal. But beside that the service is horrible. The prices are not worth the product. I do double the shopping at Shop Rite with the same amount of money I spend here. There are NEVER more than 2 cashiers, NEVER, & most times there is only 1. A lot of guests seem 2 check themselves out or leave rather than wait on the line. I've also noticed over time that a lot of the fruits and meats are NOT fresh. The bananas are always green and never ripen, the strawberries, when on sale, go bad the day after purchase and the meat doesn't look fresh and pink it is always turning yellowish and looks unkempt. This is the closest super market for a few miles so I only go when I absolutely need something fast, otherwise I take my trip all the way to Shop Rite or the next towns Key Food.

  • ru

    Евгения Смоленская


    Большой выбор вкусной и полезной еды.

najbliższy Supermarket spożywczy lub

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