Keva Smoothie Co. w San Antonio

Stany ZjednoczoneKeva Smoothie Co.



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315, East Commerce Street, 78205, San Antonio, Bexar County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 888-935-2412 ext. 2
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Latitude: 29.4243173, Longitude: -98.4893628

komentarze 5

  • en

    Rose Rios


    This place is absolutely amazing! Their blueberry muffin was delicious and healthy!

  • Nicolas Perea

    Nicolas Perea


    In town for a quick visit and stoped by to get a small snack/smoothie. I must say I’m in love with Keva Smoothie Co. Got the PBG smoothie and the owner wasn’t wrong, it’s the best smoothie I’ve had in a long time. PLUS it’s all natural! Doesn’t get better than this! Will be back in town a few times this year and will DEFINITELY be making a stop to get my smoothie fix.

  • Michael Hinrichs

    Michael Hinrichs


    One of the only options in the city if you are vegan. Super friendly staff and has WiFi!!!

  • en

    Morgan Enahsa


    Wow! I just had the freshest tasty smoothie ever! They make your smoothies and juices from the fresh fruits that are on display in front of you. There is nothing artificial about what you get here! Also, they do not add any sugars, which is a big plus for me. You get it just the way you order it. Keva Smoothie has no competition in this town! I've been to their other location on deZavala and was extremely pleased with both the service and the smoothies, but this location tops it! If you are ever in the Downtown area and had enough of the touristy Tex-Mex and other heavy food, stop by this gem and get the freshest and yummiest smoothie ever that is refreshing and healthy for you!

  • en

    Chris Battle


    If you are serious about wheat grass shots and green smoothies packed with the highest quality ingredients, this is the place. Or maybe you want something ice cold to sip on while you stroll around the River Walk in the hot weather. The owner runs the shop during my usual lunch stop and is one of the kindest people I know. His knowledge on nutrition is extensive and is great to chat with if things are slow. If you are shy about sipping on blended kale or spinach, try adding some peanut butter, it makes everything delicious!

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