Kennedy Dental w Bellevue

Stany ZjednoczoneKennedy Dental



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1411, John F Kennedy Drive, 68005, Bellevue, Sarpy County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 402-291-3535
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1437565, Longitude: -95.9126955

komentarze 5

  • aaron beltzoz

    aaron beltzoz


    Resptionist Kyline and hygental cleaning professional Lindsey are the best people I have ever let help me with my oral hygiene. Prior to visiting Kennedy dental I did not visit a dentist for 15 YEARS !!!. Receptionist Kyline and Hygensit Lindsey made my long awaited visits stressless. When you choose yo vist Kennedy dental please ask for Kyline to help ease your nerves and Linsey to give you the best cleaning with a laugh that will be better than you think. A current and eager to return client , beacuse it feels good now! Aaron Beltz .

  • N K

    N K


    I love Kennedy dental. I see Dr. Anderson and his team. Lovely people who care for you and make your time there quick, painless and you'll feel welcome. Love the conversations I have in the chair. Every time I'm there I leave feeling super clean and prepared to be better next time. They take time and care in every aspect of your mouth. Thank you everyone!

  • Ashli Loween

    Ashli Loween


    Called in to reschedule my cleaning due to waking up sick that morning. I called them as soon as I could. The receptionist that picked up my call was rude about it. She told me I had to call in 24hrs in advanced. I wasn't sick 24 hours prior to my appointment... I asked to reschedule and she said they were "booked out for a while we'll call you back."... It's been like 6 months. This company is petty. DON'T BOTHER.

  • Rachel Kolb

    Rachel Kolb


    My family has been going to Kennedy Dental for 20 years and have always had a great experience. The staff is extremely friendly and takes great care of us. Dr. Carpenter is attentive, funny, and we are always confident that we are receiving the best care. I highly recommend!

  • Renee Weed

    Renee Weed


    Dr.Thomas is a wonderful dentist. He and his staff are amazing with my children. They put them at ease and are patient with any concerns the kids have. My cleanings and exams are always thorough, but never painful. My appointments are generally kept in time, which I appreciate. I highly recommend Dr.Thomas at Kennedy Dental as a family dentist!

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