Kempo Academy of Cross River i Cross River

Forenede StaterKempo Academy of Cross River



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20, North Salem Road, 10518, Cross River, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-977-3221
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.269175, Longitude: -73.608258

kommentar 5

  • en

    Amy Kresge


    Sensei Deagan has such skill and an abundant amount of patience. My boys enjoy going to Kempo every week and we are thrilled we joined!

  • Todd Gardner

    Todd Gardner


    Sensei Deegan is the kindest, most respectful Martial Arts instructor that we've met. He has an amazing way with the kids in his classes to get the most out of them. He works with them as a whole, but also shows a lot of individual attention. Not only does he teach them martial arts, but imparts them with self-esteem, respect and courtesy-and they probably don't even know he's doing it! Excellent, excellent leadership here.

  • en

    Tamara Fluhr


    A great martial arts program for little ones. I'm sure it is fabulous for older students as well, but I have a 5 year old enrolled and she is loving it! Sensei Ken Deegan is flexible, encouraging, strong and disciplined. He allows kids to be kids but instills in them all of the necessary structure that martial arts requires for mastery. My daughter just loves it!

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    Nicole Barnett


    The Kempo Academy of Cross River is a great karate experience. The classes are a great mix of discipline and fun. My boys always have smiles on their faces at the end of class.

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    Joyce Bloom


    My grandson goes to Kempo Karate. The lessons are progressive and well thought out, where students gain in skill and competence right before your eyes. I am a physical eduacation teacher and consider the Sensei an impressive colleague.

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