Кэмп Алверния en Centerport

Estados UnidosКэмп Алверния



🕗 horarios

105, Prospect Road, 11721, Centerport, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-261-5730
sitio web: www.campalvernia.org
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.8979329, Longitude: -73.3728128

comentarios 3

  • en

    Carmen Pavese


    Our Children have enjoyed Camp Alvernia for the last 4yrs..and are looking forward to returning this summer 2016.. CAMP ALVERNIA CENTERPORT NY is a hidden paradise...such a structured environment...and the location at the Centerport Harbor is like a beautiful postcard ❤..and for a small fee..our children are picked up and dropped off at our door step 😊..the friends, the memories..the entire experience is well worth every penny.

  • en

    shawne albero


    So.much.fun!!!Camp Alvernia is excellent! After three years of seeing our child wake up every morning with a smile and hurry to get ready to get to camp, we are convinced that Alvernia is the camp to be at! It is a classic summer camp- swimming, sports (soccer, Gaga Ball, basketball, etc.), with arts and crafts, yoga, talent shows, nature programs. The boating program really helps Alvernia to stand out. The camp sits on Centerport Harbor, so campers get to experience first hand the marine environment that surrounds us. Camp Alvernia strives very hard to create an atmosphere of acceptance, kindness, and independence. Kids are encouraged to face situations from a position of strength and positivity. They can do so because they know that there is a tremendous amount of support and it's ok if they fail a few times, bc Alvernia will give them the chance to try again. My child has met all sorts of kids- the sporty kids, the kids into technology, the creative kids. At Camp Alvernia they all interact. Even when there have been challenges, like when he encountered another camper last summer who didn't embody the Alvernian model, it was a great experience bc he learned he could stand up for himself. The lessons learned at Alvernia have gone very far beyond camp for my child.

  • maria gongora

    maria gongora


Salud más cercano

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