Kelly's Bar & Lounge w Pittsburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneKelly's Bar & Lounge



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6012, Centre Avenue, 15206, Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 412-363-6012
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.459952, Longitude: -79.924432

komentarze 5

  • Tr Mi

    Tr Mi


    Decent for, drinks after generally strong. Rocker, hipster, alternative crowd mostly, you'll see tats and piercings, but it's pretty chill, dimmer lighting. The Rusty Nail drink might knock you on your behind.

  • en

    Eray H


    Walked past this place way to often to think of. Was starving last night said what the heck and went in. Quaint and small inside but it feels neighborly enough.Hey it was late so I swallowed and got a menu. Standard bar food sandwiches Ruben, hamburger appetizer the cheese dips look amazing I can see people had ordered them. I tried a Ruben they were out of corned beef. To me that is a great sign. This food is going to be good! I got the burger you'd have thought I was at the finest restaurant. I told him the kind of cheese I wanted pepper jack ,fried onions,med rare and waited. Oh fries came with it 10 dollars. Now I wait . Hate the attitude of guy who took my order I was sent to him. But I digress the burger fantastic. The bun was great though waaay to big for my burger. I will be trying out other things soon.

  • Ian Syphard

    Ian Syphard


    Great spot for an adult beverage - awesome happy hour - great food. I really love the atmosphere - it's definitely a spot where you can find the "most interesting people in the world" - it's just a real - good bar!

  • en

    Jorjanna Smith


    Didn't realize it til it was pointed out to me but this is 100% a lesbian bar in disguise. Kind of over priced but good place to come and hang out in a booth for a few drinks with friends. Would be a great date night spot as it's not too loud for a bar and it's really right between the vibe of a restaurant with a bar and a local dive spot.

  • en

    Josh Prokay


    This is the best bar I've been to in Pittsburgh. I'm from Northeast Ohio and I felt like this place was worth the trip. The waitresses were super nice, the food was fantastic, and we had a great time! I'll be sure to stop back in next time I'm in town!

najbliższy Bar

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