Keller Town Dental w Keller

Stany ZjednoczoneKeller Town Dental



🕗 godziny otwarcia

121, Rufe Snow Drive, 76248, Keller, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-337-7941
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.9321776, Longitude: -97.2286311

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sherry Donnelly


    Our family just moved our business to Keller Town Dental, and have been very pleased so far. Scheduling appointments has been easy, plus cleanings and other procedures have occurred on-time and with a pleasant and knowledgeable staff. Watching a TV screen during procedures is way cool, too!

  • Leslie Horn

    Leslie Horn


    We had a great experience at Dr. Paxton's office! I will be bringing my other two kids by for a cleaning and exam very soon! The front office staff was friendly and welcoming, Ms. Liz did a great job cleaning my son's teeth, and Dr. Paxton was wonderful at explaining a solution to a problem with my son's emerging adult teeth! We are so grateful to have such a competent and honest dentist in Keller!

  • olivia brown

    olivia brown


    Going to the dentist is never a fun experience, but these folks got it right. My first call was amazing, she got my info and found out what all I was covered for. Mind you, it was about 30 minutes from closing time. She worked her magic and I made my appointment. Went in and it was very comfortable. Everyone was super nice, I would recommend this place to anyone. Great customer service and they don’t mess your teeth up...10 plus stars.

  • Rene Phillips

    Rene Phillips


    The quality of the staff in any medical/dental office can make or break a practice, and the staff at Keller Town Dental is awesome. Very friendly, professional and always on their game. My appointments have always been correct, I never have to wait more than 5 minutes after check-in to be seen by the dental hygienist, cleanings are gentle and thorough, and checkout is quick and easy. They remember you and make you feel at ease every single time - even when your stress level may be high. As for Dr. Paxton - love him. He thoroughly reviewed with me the good and the not-so-good and recommended treatment, but without any false urgency. Easy to talk with, genuinely nice. A great dental office experience all around.

  • Jenny



    Dr. Paxton is very kind and gentle. His office has a calming atmosphere which made a big difference to me. I am usually very nervous about getting any dental procedures done, but all of my visits with Dr. Paxton have been great. The office staff is very helpful and welcoming. When I took one of my children over Christmas break for a cleaning, it was Pajama and Hot Cocoa Day! So fun! Thank you Dr. Paxton and your staff for putting the fun into going to the dentist!

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