Kebab w New Orleans

Stany ZjednoczoneKebab



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2315, Saint Claude Avenue, 70117, New Orleans, Orleans Parish, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 504-383-4328
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.9690967, Longitude: -90.0539936

komentarze 5

  • Y H

    Y H


    I want to love this place. Everyone who works here is friendly and it’s a great environment. But the döner and gyro is just not very interesting. A little on the dry side, and lacking in the intense flavor punch that the best kebab places in Berlin offer.

  • Jon Tingley

    Jon Tingley


    This place is a fresh take on your typical Greek restaurant. They have amazing bread and the Doner sandwich is so, so good.

  • en

    Laci Lopez


    Outstanding! Stellar! Extraordinary! Sensational! This is after my 3rd visit. I'm a fan.

  • Nancy Gervais

    Nancy Gervais


    What a sweet little gem! The food is super inventive without veering too far from tradition. Each sandwich is dressed with pickled veggies and delectable sauces. The meats are actually identifiable as fresh meats, rather than the stiff greasy fare usually found at Mediterranean places. I loved the homemade bread, too-very light and fluffy. They have a huge selection of soft and hard drinks, but the standout is the rum in the coconut. It's made from a fresh coconut filled with rum-simple and so delicious! Be sure to get an order of the crunchy and creamy frites, too. It's great to have Kebab in this neighborhood as a part of its new vitality. Good food, good people. Go!

  • Eddie Rose

    Eddie Rose


    Kebab is a small, casual restaurant with a hip vibe. Prices are reasonable and portions are large. My felafel was delicious and felt like it weighed a couple pounds. The price was about $8. The walls are decorated with nude art for sale and there are several pinball machines. A variety of music plays in the background. It appears there's only street parking.

najbliższy Bar

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