Kay Jewelers w Paramus

Stany ZjednoczoneKay Jewelers



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1110 Paramus Park Shopping Center, Paramus, NJ 07652, США
kontakt telefon: +1 201-262-1636
strona internetowej: stores.kay.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9567612, Longitude: -74.068812

komentarze 3

  • Shea Rod

    Shea Rod


    Two lovey ladies helped my newly fiancé and I with our engagement selection experience. They were so helpful and I’m very happy with our purchase. Thank you so much!!!

  • en

    Timmothy Ketchell


    I went to this store to buy my girlfriend a necklace for her birthday. The store manager helped me find a perfect one. That is was fine and dandy until... at check out time she asked if I wanted to get a Kay credit card. I said no. She then asked if I wanted to sign up for a promotions e mail thing. I said sure. She asked me a few questions, had me fill out a form that I thought was for the purchase. It wasn't. She said signing up for this will help her cause she needs to get so many of them for the week to look good. Ok, I get it. Nope, very deceitful. Few weeks later I receive a Kay credit card in the mail. Went onto the Kay site and had a text conversation with someone. They can't do anything for me. Needless to say I will never step foot into another Kay Jewelers ever.

  • Jessica Mabie

    Jessica Mabie


    My poor husband went out and bought me a Valentines gift from here and I love it but it was sterling silver and they charged him a gold price. So I went online and I found the same piece of jewelry from their website for half the price. The reason why I knew to look online immediately it was because I had the same problem. I had purchased a $2000 ring from there that they were selling online for $1000 and I found out after the 30 day. So I was stuck with it I even bought their warrantee and your warranty doesn't cover anything unless you go there every single month to have your stones check. I am mediately called corporate and they told me to return the bracelet to the store and buy it online they would not give me the price adjustment. they have so many complaints for selling jewelry that's not worth anything for outrageous prices. Like my friend bought a $500 necklace from there And they gave him an appraisal paper to put insurance on it and it was valued at zero . now my poor husband bought me a $300 bracelet that I found for half the $140 so now we have to go out of our way to return the bracelet and put more money into it online and hope the store takes it back which I'm sure they'll have some excuse but I'll be dealing with me this time . If You have a husband or a boyfriend who's looking to buy jewelry tell them to steer clear of this chain. I'd give it a zero if I could but I can't so they get a low one!

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