Kate Weiser Chocolate w Dallas

Stany ZjednoczoneKate Weiser Chocolate



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3011, Gulden Lane, 75212, Dallas, Dallas County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 469-619-4929
strona internetowej: kateweiserchocolate.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7793815, Longitude: -96.8289286

komentarze 5

  • en

    Lou Martorano


    Enjoyed the experience to sample 6 flavors and the macarons were phenomenal! There are plenty of opportunities for very unique flavor combinations. Both artful and delicious, recommended!

  • Chelsea Nemati

    Chelsea Nemati


    Kate Weiser chocolate is one of my Dallas favorites and a must stop location when I pick friends and family up from the airport. Not every flavor is to my liking but I have tried almost every single one and would recommend (if you like fruit flavors) that you try the Passion Fruit and the Key Lime Pie. These shoot off of the flavor scale and are full of delicious and bursting flavors... If you tend to be a little more picky, I would suggest the candy bars which are equally flavorful but they offer less exotic options.

  • Danielle O'Neill

    Danielle O'Neill


    Kate Weiser Chocolate is incredible, y’all! Melt in your mouth chocolates that pack a punch and leave you wanting more. Some of the most decadent, creative chocolates I’ve ever had. A friend and I took her chocolate bar making class and had an excellent time. The time and details that go into the chocolate making process is truly fascinating! Come here for the chocolate and make sure to book a class for a really fun night out!

  • Matthew Alain Carreon

    Matthew Alain Carreon


    These are so darn good! I would recommend this if you like exploring new flavor combinations on your chocolate cravings. Try the mango habanero, buttery popcorn and the lavender! The pralines are also nice! We keep coming back to the store and eagerly waiting for the Fort Worth branch. Hope to see new flavors soon!

  • Kimberly Kiernan

    Kimberly Kiernan


    These are not only the most beautiful chocolates ever, but they also taste amazing. We swing by any time we find ourselves in trinity groves and/or when we are wanting special gifts for hard-to-by-for friends. I mean, who doesn’t love chocolate? They also have coffee/espresso as well as macarons, and other chocolate items like bars and hot chocolate snowmen and women. If you haven’t seen Carl melt, you tube it. It’s so fun! Or go buy one. Makes a great gift for any hot chocolate lover! And in the summer months, they have a small selection of yummy ice creams and sorbets. The store is a bit small, but it works. And I could stand there all day watching Kate (who was there in person the last time I went!) make chocolate. It really is an amazing process.

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