Karen's Hair Designs i New York

Forenede StaterKaren's Hair Designs


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1326, Beach Channel Drive, 11691, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-337-5877
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Latitude: 40.6060197, Longitude: -73.7546139

kommentar 3

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    Tamara Riley


  • en

    Princess Damiron


    I went for a sew in weave, and was referred by the beauty store I bought my hair from. I wanted a Bob, and instead of her saying she couldn't do it when I called on the phone, she complained to me a when I arrived for my hair appointment thay there's no point of a short style. She pretty much talked down on what I wanted, and I left dissatisfied by her work of even just a regular sew in. I also confirmed pricing over the phone, but when she completed my head, she charged me $40 extra. I will never be back here. Horrible service and overpriced. Limited talent that she doesn't care to admit.

  • Nicole Norton

    Nicole Norton


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