Karat 22 Jewelers of London w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneKarat 22 Jewelers of London


brak informacji

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3750, 74th Street, 11372, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-507-2288
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7474859, Longitude: -73.8919144

komentarze 2

  • Shima Nahar

    Shima Nahar


    Avoid this place at all cost they are very untrustworthy. My husband and I bought jewlery from there worth alot of money. I got a bracelet for myself they even put it on my hand in the store and I kept asking then if it's good and won't break they said not to worry. After wearing it just for 2 days the design came off. I called right away since their exchange policy is only 3 days which is bad. The lady told me not to come that day as her boss isn't there. The next day I got ready to come again and I'm coming from far. I spoke to the boss he tells me he can't exchange it because I wore it. Like why else did I buy it to storw it away? Then my husband spoke to them and spoke to another lady and she told us if I bring it in they can repair it but I have to pay. It hasn't even been a week and I have to pay for repair of something that should have lasted more than that. I decided not to go and do the repairs near where I live. We will never go back there and would advise people to not go there either. They do not care after they get your money.

  • Jasim Javed

    Jasim Javed


    Went there with family to buy two rings. First thing that struck out was horrible odor as soon as you walk in. We bought two rings and they asked for an hour pick up time since they didn’t have them in right size and had to get size changed. We paid in full and they wrote down the weight on receipts. An hour later we came back to pick up those rings and that stinky smell was still there, it had gotten worse actually and smelled like a dead mouse. We got the rings and asked if they can weigh them again, which they were hesitant to do. After requesting a few times, the put rings back on scale and they were a few grams less than what we had paid for. Store employees and owner tried to brush it off saying it’s not a big deal and they didn’t do it. Overall it was horrible experience. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS PLACE TO ANYONE AT ALL

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