Kal's Bakery w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneKal's Bakery



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3401, Church Ave, 11203, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-462-8786
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6512071, Longitude: -73.9456033

komentarze 5

  • Camya Rhodus

    Camya Rhodus


    Went there on a Sunday afternoon the lines were very long and the wait for the food was about an hour but you get a lot of food and the prices are okay a lot of the food is fresh to order and the fritaye is amazing!

  • New World Order

    New World Order


    The food is not that good and the service sucks. Was trying to give them a zero star actually. The place is chaotic and the workers are undisciplined - even rude sometimes. Average waiting time is 45 minutes. The workers spend most their times fraternizing rather than serve their customers. And if they know you , they serve you first.

  • K JC

    K JC


    This is my first time at this place and I bought the fritaille griot. It was the bomb, they gave a lot of food for your money but not too much meat. I will definitely eat from there again the next time I am in the Brooklyn area.

  • en

    Jennifer Charles


    The food is ok. One day you will like it another day you won't like it . Taste of one food varies from time to time . Also, even if you place your order 1hr before pick up. You still have to call every 15 mns or so to make sure that they don't forget to do it . And even after all these calls when you get there be ready to wait 30mns to another hour before they give it to you . Honestly what they have going good their is that they give you a good amount of food

  • Eliano Zoe

    Eliano Zoe


    Great Haitian food with affordable price. Food is already prepared and ready to serve unless you order something. Large portion of food no matter your size. Long line in the evening and weekends. Order via telephone doesn't make your order any faster. I would advise you to call again to make sure your order went through.

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