Kabuki Sushi & Grill en Peoria

Estados UnidosKabuki Sushi & Grill


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8378 W Thunderbird Rd 107, Peoria, AZ 85381, USA
contactos teléfono: +1 623-486-6603
sitio web: kabukisushiphoenix.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.6114217, Longitude: -112.2395205

comentarios 5

  • Robert Steinberg

    Robert Steinberg


    Love this place. Fresh sushi and great prices & service. We eat here often since we live nearby.. My fave is the caliente roll

  • Michael Leff

    Michael Leff


    Great place to enjoy a wonderful meal with awesome service and delightful sushi rolls

  • Jonathan Hutchison

    Jonathan Hutchison


    We have tried all 60 rolls. All are awesome. Best sushi in town. We drive 50 miles round trip for this place.

  • Eric Crisostomo

    Eric Crisostomo


    Food was good, but raspberry iced tra was a little bland and our server although nice, seemed to have not been mentally ready for my big family. She tried her best to keep up. Sundays must not be a typically busy day and this night was for them.

  • en

    s b


    Amanda was our waitress tonight at the Peoria location! She is super energetic and very outgoing. We were impressed with her service. She was attentive to all of her tables, and never forgot anything. We got the Spider Roll, the Lobster Roll, the Melody Roll, and the one with scallops on it (which was phenomenal, I think it was number 12?). Delicious sushi and calamari!

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