Just Like Your Home, LLC i Vienna

Forenede StaterJust Like Your Home, LLC



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1414, Claves Court, 22182, Vienna, Fairfax County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 703-255-7277
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 38.950323, Longitude: -77.273034

kommentar 2

  • John Park

    John Park


    Called to ask if they have insurance, but was spoken to rudely and was told to go somewhere else. Too bad since it would have been really convenient.

  • en

    Carol Pearson


    My 2 year old grandson wants to go to Zari's house even on Saturdays! When we drop him off in the morning, he is so happy to be there he doesn't even turn around to say goodbye. Zari feeds him homemade, nutritious meals and snacks. She does far more than babysit. She tells them stories. They listen to music. He's learned to count. She has educational play time as well as unstructured play time. I highly recommend Just Like Your Home.

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