JP Beauty supplies i Jersey City

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550, West Side Avenue, 07304, Jersey City, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-200-1552
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Latitude: 40.719677, Longitude: -74.082081

kommentar 2

  • en

    Hauwa Ismail


  • Ambar Guerrero

    Ambar Guerrero


    Pros Helpful Staff Knowledgeable Cons Small selection of natural products On January 20 I went to JP Beauty Supply looking for a natural leave-in conditioner. I got in pretty late but the owner stayed open a little longer so I could look around and buy my things. The store is very small so she didn't have a huge selection but had the entire Cantu line and most of the SheaMoisture Coconut and Hibiscus Curl products. She had sold out of the leave-in earlier but helped me locate an alternative that was just as good in the Cantu line. We spoke for a while as she rang me up and let me know that she had no problem ordering products for her customers. She said if I ever needed anything specific to just let her know. Overall it was a very nice experience even though the selection was small. I will definitely be returning here again.

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