Jos. A. Bank w Arlington

Stany ZjednoczoneJos. A. Bank



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2800, North Clarendon Boulevard, 22201, Arlington, Arlington County, US USA
kontakt telefon: +1 703-243-3097
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.8874524, Longitude: -77.0919402

komentarze 5

  • en

    Nathan Klawa


    Joseph A Banks is my go to store for dress clothing because of their great prices but costumer service is truly disappointing. Specifically, I bought a suit from here and they were very attentive, helpful, and overly kind until I swiped my card...from then on, help stopped completely. When my suit came in, the staff quickly lost it and took hours to find the suit once I came in. After the staff finally found it, they kept trotting off to sell to other customers in the middle of fitting it!

  • Ben Shapiro

    Ben Shapiro


    Long story short, I got the clothes I needed, didn't have to pay a ton like I would at other stores, more or less the Jos. A. Bank experience I normally expect. I didn't really appreciate the pushiness from the salesperson when I specifically walked in saying I just wanted a pair of khaki's and a new dress shirt, and he kept asking if I wanted ties too.

  • Gary Christmas

    Gary Christmas


    I’m a huge fan of JoS.A Bank stores their prices are hard to beat when they are having their clearance sales. Went in to this particular store just to browse. The Department Manager Mr. Newton was every attentive and there was a huge selection of sale items. Ended up with two sports coats, vests, pants, tie clips and three ties for well under a grand. Then still managed to save over $1,200.00 dollars. I took advantage of the parking garage right next to the store and basically an all day stay cost me about $12.50. Because it is centrally located there were a number of establishments within walking distance that I was able to visit. Very convenient. Overall an excellent day shopping.

  • Clarence Love

    Clarence Love


    I needed a tuxedo two days before a formal gala and ran up to this JoS. A. Bank in Clarendon where I was greeted and assisted with confidence. The rack of tuxedo options and style book was very helpful. The parking garage located just steps away made parking a breeze. Im not sure if they validate because I did not ask. However the next day I was called the tuxedo was ready. There was curbside parking cheaper than the garage. The rental return policy (return the items to any JoS. A. Bank) made life even easy. I failed to get the associate name who helped style me. Please praise the two gentlemen who worked on 1/18/2018 at 12:50pm. The "Bank Account Rewards membership will come in handy moving forward as I am a Jos. A. Bank customer based off this experience.

  • Josh Brick

    Josh Brick


    Never go to this store. In the middle of a disaster experience. The store simply did not order a jacket for me after they said it would be ordered. Then neglected to even admit that they did not order the jacket when I called 4 days later. I will not have them do my tailoring. No way I trust them with any part in the process. Don't do it. Go somewhere else.

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