Jos. A. Bank i Kansas City

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterJos. A. Bank



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1320, Main Street, 64105, Kansas City, Jackson County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 816-471-2704
internet side:
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Latitude: 39.0982069, Longitude: -94.5835894

kommentar 5

  • Maurena DeJanes

    Maurena DeJanes


    I called the downtown store looking for an Ivory color dress shirt for my son to wear in a friend's wedding. Maxwell Dehart was extremely helpful. He found a shirt in Ivory, slim fit and arranged to have it shipped to my home. Thanks Max!

  • en

    Mohamed Hassan


    Excellent and expensive clothes

  • en

    David Crisp


    I'm a downwardly mobile kinda guy, so when I was asked to be a pall bearer for a friend I was woefully unprepared. After trying to find what I needed at a few other retailers I found myself at Jos A. Bank. The salesman who took care of me was just awesome! They did not have everything I needed, but I was extremely thankful for the gentleman's assistance and understanding about the situation. After finding what I needed at yet another retailer, I returned to Jos A. Bank to purchase the needed items they did have. I can't speak for professional-type suit wearers, but I recommend these guys to anyone who has need of looking like an actual human being for special occasions. I'm pretty sure they have tie clips there that were more expensive than my entire wardrobe when I showed up there, but they were extremely respectful to me and I had an awesome experience there! Now I just need someone I know to get married so I can go back...

  • Jake Lackey

    Jake Lackey


    this jos bank is good. they have good tellers. the manager is cute. i wish to make him my girlfriend. when i get older i want to be jos a bank. the manager smells good. storing my monies there until me and the manager break up.

  • Marcus Gardner

    Marcus Gardner


    I bought four suits a couple years ago at this location and was happy with their level of service. So I figured I would be safe to return. I was wrong. When we walked in we were greeted by a man eating milk duds. He didn't put down the milk duds the whole time we were there and he even handled my dress pants with his chocolate residue covered hands. We were shopping for pants, shirts, and ties for my groomsmen. We asked to try to match the color of some Jos. A. Bank pants I brought in from a previous purchase and the two men working told me that there are many grays and that I should try another establishment like Macy's and did not attempt to assist me any further.

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