Jones Pest Solutions w Englewood

Stany ZjednoczoneJones Pest Solutions



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1910, West Stanford Avenue, 80110, Englewood, Arapahoe County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 720-721-3081
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 39.6345298, Longitude: -105.0102424

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jeffrey Schiffman


    These guys are awesome found all of my wasp nests. I loved working with a family owned company.

  • Kaden Cooper

    Kaden Cooper


    Great service! I would recommend it to anyone, they were on time and the salesman was very professional and honest!

  • Steve Lange

    Steve Lange


    Have to say that I've never used this company, so I can't vouch for the quality of their work. But I won't use them. One of their people came to my door to sell me their services, even with a "no knock" sign and "no solicitors" sign on my door. When I told him I couldn't say yes at this very moment but I'd take a business card or brochure for consideration, he started acting offended by stating (several times), "you won't call me though," "here's my number, but you won't call", "consider this free literature because you won't call." I was genuinely going to consider them (wasn't ready to commit that very second), but the snarky remarks killed it for me. I hope others have a better first-impression than I did.

  • James Harper

    James Harper


    Top notch! I hired these guys and had the wonderful pleasure of working with Tyler and Ryan. They came out to my house right away and took care of our rodent problem. They were thorough, knowledge, and their customer service was great! I recommend these guys for anyone who needs pest control! I signed up for their year deal because of what a great experience we had!

  • en

    Keith Schultz


    11/11/17: Update to the below review: Tyler not only came out and cleaned off the stains, but power washed my entire front driveway and sidewalks, likely more than 1200sq ft of concrete. Tyler- thanks for making this right. I️ look forward to working with you in the future. Initial post: High pressure sales led me to try their fertilizer, weed and aeration service. I was promised satisfaction guaranteed or no charge for service. They stained my driveway and sidewalks due to not blowing fertilizer off the concrete. And the amount of fertilizer they put on lawn didn't even come close to how it looks when I put it on. Now they keep sending me bills. These pics will show the rust stains due to their sloppy work.

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