Johansen General Contracting w Wood-Ridge

Stany ZjednoczoneJohansen General Contracting



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244, Union Avenue, 07075, Wood-Ridge, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 551-221-1516
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8495909, Longitude: -74.0954579

komentarze 5

  • en

    Daniel Sollitti


    Needed a contractor who would be willing to handle a small job and Johansen was right on it. They came promptly and fixed and rehung a door better than it was before it broke. I was preparing to have to tear out and replace the whole frame. John Johansen reinforced and fixed it like it never happened. I've used them multiple times in the past and feel confident that the job will always get done right!

  • Carla Alarcon

    Carla Alarcon


    Johansen save me the trouble of buying a lemon house. House looked very appealing on the surface but, had many structural problems. He got under the crawlspace of the house and found termite damage, water damage and many more. These damages would have cost around 40k. Seller only offered 25% of that. you want johansen on your side.

  • en

    Robert Finn


    Finding the combination of a very nice person and a great honest contractor is rare these days. We found that person in John Johansen. He and his crew did an excellent job installing ceramic tile in our bathroom. They were courteous, always on time, meticulous in their work and completed the project on the day it was promised. The tile looks great! We would highly recommend their services.

  • Vincent Corley

    Vincent Corley


    I had a major flooding issue that filled my basement, three days before Christmas. It turned out the piping in my basement of the house I had purchased only 1 year ago had virtually disintegrated under the tile. My wife was 9 months pregnant and was ready to pop (which eventually happened only 12 days after Christmas). Plus, we were hosting my family Christmas Day as my wife was not doing well with travel at the time. Essentially, I was close to having to having a massive coronary. It turned out I needed to have an excavation and get the entire pipe work replaced, on December TWENTY FREAKING SECOND and needed to have it done in advance of my family coming over on Christmas. Even if we had moved Christmas elsewhere, this was not the condition of the house that I wanted my newborn baby to come home to. I needed help but being a new homeowner, I didn't have a Rolodex of service people... I had worked with John Johansen on a dishwasher installation about 6 months ago and found him to be a pretty good guy to work with. I doubted he was going to be able to complete the work but my hope is he would start it and maybe, we could get it done after the holiday. His response: "Let's see what we can do." Well, on Dec. 22nd, John came through, excavated the entire area that was affected, worked with a local plumber (who is equally due for sainthood) to lay down a completely new pipe infrastructure. Then he returned on Dec. 23rd to lay down concrete over the entire area where him and the plumbers had replaced the piping. Finally on Christmas Eve, he returned to lay down all new tile and cleaned the entire area. Christmas morning it was as if the basement had never flooded at all as all of the affected areas in our basement and garage looked pristine. Due to his work, we actually were able to still host Christmas at our house. Amazing. I seriously cannot thank this man enough for all that he did for us at a critical time, where he could have easily blew me off or drove costs up tremendously due to the holiday. He saved my family's Christmas and helped bring the house to a level of presentation my eventual daughter (who was born on January 6th) deserved. On top of it all, his price was extremely reasonable for the amount of labor him and his team put in. I recommend him with the absolute highest praise and urge you to give him a call. I can't think of an example of better customer service in my life. He is the best.

  • en

    Orestes Rios


    I had a leak in the basement near the boiler. It was getting worse by the day. Called John Johansen and explained the issue. He came by to take a look at it. He arrived on time, assessed the situation and fixed it quickly. Excellent work. He also made suggestions on other things I could do in the basement and around the house. Highly recommend Johansen General Contracting to anyone looking for great work at a fair price.

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