Joe's Barber Shop in New York

Vereinigte StaatenJoe's Barber Shop



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384, 95th Street, 11209, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 718-238-6129
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.6160613, Longitude: -74.0315107

kommentare 5

  • en

    Lifedoc Giz


    Old fashioned long-standing barber shop conveniently located next to 95th Street R train station. Christmas time this Barber offer free drinks as a bonus to his customers. Perhaps not targeted to a youthful crowd. Marcos has excellent skill and years of experience to deliver excellent men's haircuts and Grooming. It is also I'm very affordable place for haircuts. I will agree that most of the customers are over 40 in age. Usually Marcos is the sole Barber but on busy days you will find 2 on staff in this intimate 2 Barber chair store. Cannot beat the location. Cannot beat the quality and value provided by an experienced Barber from the old school of Barbershop. A great Bay Ridge barber shop in the neighborhood where several barber shops are available.

  • en

    Ahmed Mejahed


    I really wanted to like this place because of convenience. Guy puts in no effort. Doesn’t smile. Rushed me out. Hair cut was the worst. Again worst part is he gives you the impression he doesn’t want to work. Sorry would not recommend.

  • en

    Ilya Burshteyn


    Love, Marco old-fashioned barber, nothing fancy, I get in and out in 15 minutes. Too many metrosexuals in BK these days.

  • Joe Shirvis

    Joe Shirvis


    Regular haircuts are $10. That's the price barbers typically charged 15-20 years ago. This is the only barber shop in Brooklyn, Queens or LI that I know still charges $10. But with that price, you get no razor neck shave, a very quick haircut (5-10 minutes) and very little attention to detail. If you, like a lot of guys, are concerned with even and on point fades and sharp lines, don't come here. You will be disappointed. If you just need a quick buzz cut with easy fade or same length all over, then this is your spot. A lot of other barbershops in the area are charging $20 but give more attention to detail. Keep in mind, you get what you pay for.

  • John Speck

    John Speck


    Marko is great! Fine haircuts at a reasonable price. Also holiday libations for for those with good cheer.

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