Jo Jo's Auto Parts en New York

Estados UnidosJo Jo's Auto Parts



🕗 horarios

125, Page Avenue, 10309, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-317-5656
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.521113, Longitude: -74.234733

comentarios 5

  • John Marfoglio

    John Marfoglio


    Jojo, Richie, and everyone here are fantastic honest people that treat you like family! My family has brought all of our vehicles here for many years and we always walk away satisfied!

  • Raymond anthony

    Raymond anthony


    Great service and mechanics are all top of the line the owner's are all family and they treat you that way and very honest they don't tell you that you need something if you don't that's very rear I highly recommend

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    Richie Martucci


    Stay away! He Ruined 2 of my rims while changing tires. I was told, " it happens". I was told they would be replaced but has been dodging me ever since with nothing but excuses. 8 months later still no rims.

  • Alyson Miller

    Alyson Miller


    Outstanding! Had an emergency car issue while driving through Staten Island with my two young kids and some nice police officers directed me here. So glad they did! The staff and mechanics were all super nice, understanding of our situation, and even though they were swamped they helped us out quickly and honestly. Can not recommend these folks strongly enough!

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    Pattie Borelli


    I must say time for a positive here.. Richie and sister Christi treat you right at home.. I went for headlight replacement and was charged half I paid elsewhere..given a honest wait time frame and they beat the clock each time.. Service with a smile ..and all of this made my day.. Plus they respect our service mem and women.. So if you need service go check them out..its more than worth it Thanks guys. Your new customer Pattie

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