J&K Cabinetry i Denver

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterJ&K Cabinetry



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4860, Joliet Street, 80239, Denver, Denver County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 303-996-6666
internet side: www.jk10cabinetry.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 39.7852419, Longitude: -104.860587

kommentar 5

  • Ben Dabdoub

    Ben Dabdoub


    Customer service first time we visited was just unbelievably terrible. 2nd visit was exceptional. Cabinet quality and look are great.

  • en

    ryan sigg


    Good people and great cabinets for the miney. They have features of a much more expensive product. They are a go to product for my business.

  • Michael Brockway

    Michael Brockway


    J&K has been great. Cabinets are solid and they look great. They were also very reactive when I had to exchange a couple cabinets that were too big. I typically used another company but Ill but using J&K going forward!

  • en

    Dan Baker


    The day of delivery we found out that 2 of the cabinets we ordered were to be delayed. It’s been 3 days and still no update, could be anywhere from another few days to a couple of weeks. The cabinet quality is nice for the price but I am very disappointed with the reactive nature and communication from their office staff. This has to be even more frustrating for contractors as we have counters and appliances waiting to go in...

  • Hong Pham

    Hong Pham


    The staff are always welcoming and flexible to get us cabinets or parts that we need. It's nice to have a local source to get parts right away and not have to wait 4-6 weeks for a filler. Definitely a good source for quality cabinets at a great price.

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