Jimmy John's i Milwaukee

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterJimmy John's



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1532, West Wells Street, 53233, Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 414-344-1234
internet side: www.jimmyjohns.com
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Latitude: 43.040404, Longitude: -87.93263

kommentar 5

  • Sunil Mathew

    Sunil Mathew


    I like Jimmy John's. Roast beef n tuna are my favorites. I only wish they didn't charge extra for cheese.

  • en

    Adam Thiel


    I ordered a Garg tonight...bit into this disgusting piece of "beef." So like any normal person would do, I ask to talk to the manager, thinking I'd get a new sub. I told the cashier (who told me he was the manager) that this was disgusting, that it was fat and sinew, he just said "yeah, looks like the core" whatever that means. No apology, no offer for even a partial refund (I ate about 30% of my sub) no offer to make a new sub. I'm not trying to scam anyone or rip anyone off for free products, I just want to get what I paid for. I didn't, and I think it's pretty sad how nasty of a product I was sold and how this must be a normal occurrence since nobody seemed to care.

  • en

    Lexi Lynn


    Everytime... you mess it up. I just need my order right once. Edit- called to place my order, thinking it’s been a yr, things change, and the guy on the phone just didn’t get it. Are you high? How hard is this? Still a fail....

  • Daniellovesdogs22 《 DLD22 》

    Daniellovesdogs22 《 DLD22 》


    The people that work here are a*\holes and uneducated. I will not recommend this location

  • en

    Milan Eccher


    Wheres the beef and toppings skimpy for the price easy to have fast service

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