Jim Bush - State Farm Insurance Agent i Paramus

Forenede StaterJim Bush - State Farm Insurance Agent



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237, West Midland Avenue, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-444-4424
internet side: www.statefarm.com
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Latitude: 40.9605184, Longitude: -74.0895153

kommentar 5

  • Eva Zaydman

    Eva Zaydman


    Irresponsible agent.

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    Kim Gonzalez


    I have been with Jim Bush and State Farm for a very long time. I have been extremely happy with Jim Bush and this staff, if I wasn't I would not stay with them. Jim Bush and the staff are always willing to make sure that I am completely satisfied with any questions or concerns I may have. I have had numerous changes in my life and with the knowledge from the agent he was able to accommodate my insurance needs. There are so many insurance companies out there and you can always get a lower premium but you will not get the same respect and courteousness from Jim. He will do he best to correct any type of issues, always willing to introduce and educate me on products that is offered with State Farm. At the end of the day, Jim Bush is an excellent person and agent - he is the type of person you want in your corner!

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    Anne V. Ryan


    I have been a customer of State Farm since my husband and I bought our home in 1990. Jim Bush’s agency provides excellent customer service and the agents have responded to my claims very quickly and thoroughly. We had major damage to our home in 1999 and words cannot express how helpful they were in settling our claim. They walked me through every step of the process. 13 years later, we experienced a flood in our home, and even though State Farm wasn’t my flood insurance carrier, Jim Bush and his team helped me navigate through the difficult claim process with FEMA. I was very grateful for their help during a stressful time. I also have my auto insurance with Jim, and once again they were very helpful when we needed them. The rental car reimbursement was a real lifesaver while we awaited repairs. Other insurance companies have solicited my business, and I’m happy to say that State Farms prices are more than competitive! I wouldn’t even consider leaving this agent!!!! (I also have our life insurance policies here as well) I strongly recommend The Jim Bush State Farm Agency!!!!!

  • Keith Black

    Keith Black


    I've been with the Jim Bush agency for several years now and I've never experienced such great customer service. Whenever I've had a problem they've always been quick to respond to any of my insurance needs. Jim has a great staff I can always count on.

  • Gary Downey

    Gary Downey


    Great customer service. I can't say enough good things about Jim and his staff. You will understand the value of an insurance company when you have to submit a claim. No Insurance company is more responsive than State Farm and no agency has better customer service than Jim Bush. Don't go with the cheapest or you will get what you pay for. State Farm is AAA!.

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