Jiffy Lube® en Rocky Point

Estados UnidosJiffy Lube®



🕗 horarios

441, New York 25A, 11778, Rocky Point, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 631-744-7204
sitio web: nyc.jiffylube.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9461513, Longitude: -72.9362604

comentarios 5

  • Ryan McCarrick

    Ryan McCarrick


    Jiffy Lube is great, the Rocky Point branch was very fast and they gave me a discount for being a first responder! I've been going here for a while, probably every other change or so. - RM

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    I don't usually write reviews but the employees at this place are so sweet and helpful! Very respectful and much appreciated. Thanks again for your service.

  • Jon Sknows

    Jon Sknows


    Rocky Point jiffy lube is awesome. True professionals. All u need to do is tell them exactly what u want. If u don’t want the extras IE air filter etc don’t get them. Do research on your car and find out what is reccomended for model make mileage ... these guys will tell u the truth. Sit down have a descent cup of coffee and all will be well. They topped off air in my tire and let some out as needed. I’ve been coming here for years. Always good experience. They treat u like royalty for 15 minutes lol they seriously do! Brian Wading River—-

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    Fred Garthe


    I asked to have my oil changed, nothing more, nothing less. 30W oil. My bill, over $57.00. For a straight up oil change? I didn't ask to "top off the fluids", or diagnose any air filters, or check my radiator. NEVER AGAIN. LESSON LEARNED.

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    Chris Martino


    Mark and the stuff here are wonderful, don't bother going anywhere else! I've been to the Port Jeff location a few times with mixed results, but these guys are truly top notch. I was in and out in about 20 minutes (maybe even 15) and they were professional, courteous, and completely accommodating. Highly recommend them for oil changes.

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