Jiffy Lube #2084 w Gilbert

Stany ZjednoczoneJiffy Lube #2084



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1188, North Gilbert Road, 85234, Gilbert, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 480-545-8842
strona internetowej: phoenixmetro.jiffylube.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.3714334, Longitude: -111.7905527

komentarze 5

  • gordisboba



    Great customer service, fast & efficient. I went without an appointment they took my truck right away. The manager from the val vista location was there to help and he was very friendly & very professional. Definitely coming back to this place.

  • en



    Two trips here and two horrible experiences. The first one a couple years ago. They did the oil change, but left the oil cap off my car and I drove off. Car started smoking and then there was oil all over my engine compartment. Against my better judgement I came back because I live right across the street. They wanted to charge me $74.99 for special synthetic oil. I left right away and went to the next oil change spot I saw and got an oil change with the special synthetic oil for $39.99. This Jiffy Lube is a joke.

  • Deborrah Bédard

    Deborrah Bédard


    If you live in the neighborhood...bring your vehicle here. They went beyond politeness and courtesy and kindness. They're conversational. They have a sense of humour. Don't dare considering going anywhere else. UPDATE: Terry and his crew are still amazing. Second time here and because of their excellent service, they have found a customer for life. Really. They're THAT good. Seriously.

  • en

    Art Gomez


    I am a regular customer from Albuquerque NM and recently moved to this area. I had my first experience at a Jiffy Lube near my work area located at location #2086 on Country Club Dr, Mesa. After going over my list of recommendations and completions on the computer I caught them not vacuuming my vehicle and was not impressed how the oil was first put in a picture and then poured in the motor. Well I went to another location on this review #2084 on Gilbert Rd and was done quickly but noticed very little attention done other than the oil and with no follow up of verbal list of recommendations and completions I was sent on my way. For my lack of follow up I found out later looking at my paper receipt it printed showing (carpet vacuumed--complete) this procedure was not done. I am assuming it is a franchise business but I can only compare what Jiffy Lube offers in the Albuquerque area and that is : oil change, fluid levels checked, lights checked, wiper blade checked, air filter checked, vehicle vacuumed and out side windows cleaned. Nice guys but I will not be a returning customer. Good Luck

  • en

    Crystal Sanchez


    Chris was awesome! Very Polite and professional. Greeted my fiance and I right when we walked in, went over what we would like done (Oil w/ New Filter, check leak, Minor stuff, etc.). Jiffy Lube took our car back in about 8 minutes to start on. Chris showed us our oil filter was still in great shape and stated he would check out the leak and get the oil change completed along with a couple other requests. My fiance and I walked around the surrounding stores for only 15 minutes or so and walked back to the shop. Right when we went in Chris stated everything requested had been done and that leak is a very small oil leak. He stated if it gets worse it will eventually end up costing around $1000 after further damage. As for another option due to the leak not being too bad yet, Chris brought up that elmers glue consistency type stuff 😂 to put in with the oil in attempting to seal it. We were familiar with this and decided to go for it. We waited two minutes for that to be done and we were set. Our Infiniti seems to definitely be running a lot smoother and we are very happy to go back to this Jiffy Lube Location for any of our vehicle maintenance work! Big Thanks to Chris and the other gentlemen for your Honesty, Professionalism, Great Customer Service, Quality, and Quick Service. Crystal S. Trent W.

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