Jiannian Dental w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneJiannian Dental


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

726, 60th Street, 11220, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-492-9807
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6362665, Longitude: -74.0112083

komentarze 3

  • en

    WL C


    Jiannian is the only dentist that my family would go to. I had swelling with my teeth over a decade go and he helped me with a deep-clean. Guess what, my teeth have been healthy ever since. My wife and I both got Invisalign for orthodontia in our late 20s and we are not afraid anymore when people see our teeth. My wife also had a wisdom tooth problem a few years ago. Both of my elementary school kids treat it as an important and positive event when we do our routine check-up and cleaning. They started changing teeth and have also had cavities. To my surprise, they were never afraid to open their mouth and let Dr Dai do his job. I convinced my parents from out of town to pay a visit and treat some nerve issues. They were very happy to tell me afterwards that their local dentist was very very impressed with Dr Dai's work. I highly recommend this place for dental care!

  • en

    Bonnie Jan


  • en

    Wan W


    First time but I would not go to this dental place again nor will recommend to my friends. Although the other staff are friendly but there's the main "boss", one lady who is rude to the staff and does not understand that she treat her patients with no professional respect and has no patience. She has a rude and disrespectful attitude and is not flexible when it comes to explaining, expecting me to understand all the dental vocabs.

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