Jewelry Designs en Danbury

Estados UnidosJewelry Designs



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86, Mill Plain Road, 06811, Danbury, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 203-797-0389
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.3919253, Longitude: -73.5067533

comentarios 5

  • Morgan



    Placed a phone order for a pair of earrings and the saleswoman couldn't have been more helpful. She explained every single detail of the jewelry. When the earrings arrived, they were beautiful in a nice wooden box, with insurance appraisal and a shopping bag. They even sent a thank you card in the mail a few weeks later. Service was great and the earrings are beautiful, I will definitely order from them again.

  • Fallon Negro

    Fallon Negro


    My fiancé had my engagement ring designed and built here in the fall. The quality is excellent and their service is even better. I could not have been happier with how my ring turned out. I have a 4 prong setting, and this week I noticed the stone was loose. I brought it in and they immediately took it in the back to tighten the prongs and check all of the stones. They brought it out a few minutes later polished and tightened. JD takes pride in their work & value their customers- they’ve won our continued business.

  • Rich Hargrave

    Rich Hargrave


    "Happy wife, happy life". Guys, let Jewelry Designs help you have a better life. This established, successful local shop employs all their own jewelry designers, and has been in business for decades. Their sales people are truly helpful, and are happy to consult with you for any purchase regardless of how big or small. Having bought at least half a dozen pieces from them over the last 15 years, I can fully recommend them.

  • Gary Sippin

    Gary Sippin


    I have been a customer of Jewelry Designs for 25 years, and they have consistently delivered the best quality jewelry and a great value. Many times I purchase pieces they have in stock, but they have also produced some outstanding custom designs for me as well. The staff is friendly, and very knowledgeable, I can't imagine jewelry shopping any place else.

  • Jolie Parent

    Jolie Parent


    Jewelry Designs is one of the best jewelers I've been to. They are super friendly, have unique, beautiful jewelry and such a great atmosphere. When you first walk in you see all of the jewelry artists hard at work designing and shaping their pieces. They have a nice bathroom as well as coffee and biscuits by a sitting area with a stone fountain. When you get into the main area you are greeted by the staff and helped as soon as you can be. They also offer to clean your ring and offer a flower to you at no expense. I highly recommend this place and you get nothing but the best, top quality.

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