Jerry's Barber Shop i Hasbrouck Heights

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460, Boulevard, 07604, Hasbrouck Heights, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 201-288-5948
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Latitude: 40.8700975, Longitude: -74.0697758

kommentar 2

  • en

    Andre Punla


    I've been to so many places where they just run their clippers through and call it a cut. Jerry knows how to use the classic shears and use them well! No unnecessary bumps or bruises from poorly trained hair stylists, just a pleasant cut from a pro.

  • Jon Decker

    Jon Decker


    Jerry's is a classic barber shop started in the 1920's and still cutting classic styles that are currently the style. The barbers have worked there for over sixty years and are really good at what they do. It is a "cash only" business so come prepared. Cuts are less than $20 and hold up well over time. The look of the place is ultra retro and worth a look if you're in town or staying nearby. I stop in when I'm staying at the Hilton nearby and it's worth it.

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