Jeffrey Ruggiero, DMD w Woodland Park

Stany ZjednoczoneJeffrey Ruggiero, DMD



🕗 godziny otwarcia

205, Browertown Road, 07424, Woodland Park, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-256-0275
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8883765, Longitude: -74.2044351

komentarze 5

  • en

    Joan Kimball


    I go to Dr. Ruggiero, not because I especially enjoy going to a dentist but because he answers all my questions and he's so willing to talk about what he's planning to do and what the end result will be. And I have never have any pain when I'm sitting for my procedure. I have also never had any trouble with the technicians who clean my teeth. They, too, are very pleasant. All in all my experience is a positive one.

  • Living Waters

    Living Waters


    Dr. Ruggiero and his staff will make your visit a pleasurable and comfortable one. I was a nervous patient myself in my past to previous dentists, Woodland Park Dental Associates has assured myself, family and friends that our dental hygiene cares are being taken care of. Your visit with them will benefit your dental needs for years to come. After 11 years, I look forward to being a patient in the care of Woodland Park Dental Associates.

  • en

    Cynthia Holland


    Cannot say enough nice things about this practice. Our whole family goes there and we all love going to the dentist, even the 3 year old!!

  • en

    Anna Marie Luciano Cook


    I have been visiting Woodland Park Dental for years. I have referred my Husband and Mom to his office as well. We all feel so comfortable and trust Dr Ruggiero. His expertise and compassion separates him from rest. His staff is wonderful as well. They make you feel like family and truely care about you.

  • en

    Angelo Forestiero


    Dr Ruggiero is the best Dentist around! My wife at 7 months pregnant was in excruciating pain on a Sunday. Called Dr Ruggiero and he picked up right away. He meet us at his office on a Sunday afternoon opened up her tooth relieved the pressure got her to a point were she felt comfortable with little pain to get her through the night for a rootcanal the next day. I will be sure to tell all my friends and family about Dr. Ruggiero what a great Dentist!

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