Jeanne Marie Beckmann en Hempstead

Estados UnidosJeanne Marie Beckmann



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64, Hilton Avenue, 11550, Hempstead, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-485-4888
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7093709, Longitude: -73.6315195

comentarios 5

  • en

    nor singh


    She is very helpful and very reasonable price. Highly recommend her...

  • en

    Greg C


    Resolved my case favorably. I happily paid the legal fees and the stupid tax, but no DMV points and all in paid half of what I would have paid had I pled guilty. If I had represented myself, and pled not-guilty I would have been subjected to a day in court and most certainly a worse outcome. Highly recommend.

  • en

    Bob Rallis


    Mrs Beckmann was an indispensable part of my son's case. Without her I'm very sure the outcome of his case would have been very different. Mrs Beckmann is very articulate and makes sure you understand the process. She negotiated a very agreeable deal with the DA and was able to do it on our first court date, even though a last minute complication reared its head. If you need an attorney do not hesitate to contact her you will not regret it.

  • Jaspreet Singh

    Jaspreet Singh


    She is best laywer in newyork she saved my 9 speeding point thanku so much you are the best God bless you always :)

  • Aminul Hoque

    Aminul Hoque


    Jeanne Marie Beckmann is the best! If I could give her more than five stars, I would do that. Got my two tickets dismissed with no points no fine. She is approachable and professional. Highly recommended!

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