Jazz E Motors w New Windsor

Stany ZjednoczoneJazz E Motors



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2899, U.S. 9W, 12553, New Windsor, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-245-8010
strona internetowej: www.jazzemotors.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.460507, Longitude: -74.0233584

komentarze 5

  • en

    Tristan Sorrell


    Did my homework read some reviews. Which I didn’t understand since my visit here was great, I came from the city to check it out. Saw what I wanted and got a honest answer. Pleased on what I gotten especially with the miles on it. 6 months later still running strong smooth and I love it. The understanding and communication was great. My 08 Audi A6 runs like new and glad I got it. Took me a few months to get due to my commute and getting all the money together. Thank you for working with me and being honest. The mechanic and dealer both said this was the best brought Audi they’ve ever seen. Once again thank you and I’m sure to buy something else like the Q7 if and when you get it. Take care. And J was knowledgeable respectful and humble. Not rushing me nor giving me a run a round

  • Geo Copli

    Geo Copli


    Jazzy motors has decent cars, just do your homework an check everything and look over your contract carefully as you would with any other deal.

  • Wendyln Bollenbach

    Wendyln Bollenbach


    We bought a Volvo from Jeff at jazze motors and the car needed a part to be replaced and Jeff was honorable enough to pay towards the bill and have our mechanic fix it , we were very grateful for his great customer service 🙏😍

  • en

    Patrick Odonnell


    My wife and i boight a 2008 mazda cx9 with 156,000 miles for 6500 and its probably the best deal we will ever get,jeff and Christine were so nice and respectful, they actually delivered the car to my house over 2 hours away,we will never buy a car except through jazzee motors again,there cars have high miles,but are mint inside and out ,every option on this car works,its insane the deal they gave us,definitely worth the 2 hour drive, thank you guys soooo much ,i just cant express our graditude enough,you truly blessed us,thank you very much for being so honest and fair with us,hope you guys have a happy holidays, you definitely made ours (:

  • en

    allen M


    Both the owner and salesman I delt with were good. We purchased an 06 Lincoln Navigator from them for a very reasonable price. They worked with us, were honest, and event let us use there dealer plate to drive it home 45 minutes away. Darryl even picked me up In his personal car and drove me back to there dealership to get my car. I appreciate you guys going above and beyond for my wife and myself. Thank you

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