Java Express w Azle

Stany ZjednoczoneJava Express



🕗 godziny otwarcia

151, West Main Street, 76020, Azle, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-752-2090
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.8912446, Longitude: -97.5438901

komentarze 5

  • en

    caleb aaron


    If you're in search of good coffee, look elsewhere. It was watery and weak. The business model is lacking in structure and very disorganized as an establishment. I couldn't have really hoped for much more seeing as it's in azle... but hey, the locals seem to love it. As a venue, it seems like an intimate hosting which can prove to be an interesting experience in such a small setting. The problem there is that it's more like a yokle- karaoke sign up roster rather than a bonafide musical venue. Honestly pales in comparison to a legitimate business, but if you're looking for a sham of a cafe, be my guest. I will not be visiting this shop again. I'm tired of wash ups the world over thinking they can run a business selling crappy coffee as a fall back "investment."

  • en

    Chandra leach


    Very good selection! Held a small meeting here and they were very accommodating

  • Harrison Coviello

    Harrison Coviello


    Had a great time drinking some coffee and meeting new people during their open mic night, would defenitly recommend this place to a friend!

  • Rae Holland

    Rae Holland


    Still the BEST place for coffee, gathering with your friends. Open mic nights on Thursdays and artists shows on Saturday nights. Azle does LOVE their Java Express and it shows! Getting busier everyday! Way to go Norton's!

  • amanda dengler

    amanda dengler


    Amazing coffee and nice woman. Always nice to have a good coffe close to home that is open at 7am.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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