Jason's Deli w Tucson

Stany ZjednoczoneJason's Deli



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4545, North Oracle Road, 85704, Tucson, Pima County, US Stany Zjednoczone
kontakt telefon: +1 520-407-1100
strona internetowej: www.jasonsdeli.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.2889622, Longitude: -110.9790279

komentarze 5

  • en

    Rianne Maldonado


    Our family loves Jason's Deli. My kids fight over the chicken noodle soup-it is sooooo good! The club sandwich on the croissant is my favorite. The free ice cream is a bonus, but we all love the chocolate mousse the best. The staff is friendly and the service is quick. The restaurant is always clean! A big plus for me. We go at least once a month and it's always consistent!

  • en

    Lacey Muzzin


    They have fantastic food. I have yet to try anything I haven't liked yet. They try to keep their selections more or less healthy, but have a few comfort food selections for the anti-vegetable people out there. Their Mesa Salad is delicious, all the wraps I've had are great, and the pasta and meatballs is surprisingly tasty. I've also had their potatoes and soup. All really awesome food. If you dine in you get free side serve ice cream and some others unique side salads, pickles, etc.

  • Greg Montgomery

    Greg Montgomery


    Great lunch! Quick, and friendly staff. Place was clean and well organized. I had the salad bar which was also fresh and well stocked

  • Jimmy Olmos

    Jimmy Olmos


    First time here, I am not a believer of leaving 4 stars...thats like a slap to the face when your not looking and i like to be fair. Place was clean. Food delicious had the HOT pastrami and a trip to the crisp salad bar. WOW! this is a salad bar! These guys were busy everyone was doing something I like that. I love to go somewhere and see everyone is a team. Portions are big I had a full sandwich and a trip to salad bar and a drink. Just under $18 bucks you can actually share what I got so don't be scared of price. Will be back for another awesome sandwich keep up the good work!

  • en

    Harry Task


    Always good food at very reasonable prices. Folks are always friendly and food is prepared quite quickly. They have gluten-free bread for sandwiches. I just wish they were a bit closer to where I live!

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