James De Leonardis, DDS i Oceanside

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterJames De Leonardis, DDS



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175, Atlantic Avenue, 11572, Oceanside, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-299-8121
internet side: www.drdeleonardis.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.6399467, Longitude: -73.6468316

kommentar 5

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    B Somers


    Today was my second visit to dr. De leonardis dentist's office. I was welcomed by everyone and made to feel very comfortable. The entire staff is friendly and helpful and the doctor goes out of his way to make sure you understand what's happening and are comfortable at every step of the procedure. In addition to being professional, they are all genuinely finally end nice people and make you feel that they do care about your individual circumstance. I highly recommend dr. De leonardis to anyone who needs real dental work.

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    Sindrela Radis74


    Big "NO!" They took me in the same morning I called. That should have been a red flag right there. I went for the appointment anyway, because I was short on time and had a problem. He messed up my tooth that had a cavity issue. Now I'm seeing another doctor for a root canal treatment because the tooth became extremely sensitive. The new doctor said that the tooth was drilled too deep that it touched the nerve.

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    Alexandra Tucci


    I was really nervous before coming here but dr d and his staff really made me feel comfortable and explained everything and the office has a good energy i would definitely recommend going herev

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    Kristine Profeta


    I got an emergency root canal done here. The office staff was delightful and squeezed me in first thing the next morning. Dr. De Leonardis walked me through the procedure and did a wonderful job. I will definitely be returning. The office was extremely clean as well.

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    Theresa Montalvo


    Looking for a Densit is scary, especially when you know a lot of them are scammers. James and staff are honest and very welcoming. I do not like going to the Densit but James and his staff made me feel so comfortable and right at home. I had all my cavities filled and two root canals done here. Doc and his staff took the time to reach out to me and made sure I was okay and to let me know they were available anytime if I needed them. Anytime I needed an appointment they always made sure to accommodate me. It’s about the little things and going the extra mile and him and his staff are always there to help. I will not go anywhere else!!!

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