Jake Co Painting LLC i Kansas City

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PO Box 480071, Kansas City, MO 64148, USA
kontakter telefon: +1 816-914-6389
internet side: jakecopainting.com
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Latitude: 39.1, Longitude: -94.58

kommentar 4

  • Charlotte Romero

    Charlotte Romero


    Doesn't pay his subcontractors for their hard work.

  • Bonnie Douglas

    Bonnie Douglas


    He advertises that he is a 'preparation specialist'. Ha! The only specialist he is is separating you from your hard earned money. His sub-contractors were sub par at best. They lost so much hard-to-replace hardware it was unreal, didn't show up when they said they would, and generally did an overall crappy job. It looked good, but on closer inspection, it wasn't. Much of the trim work they painted is peeling because they didn't prep it (and it was NOT even installed so it should have been easy to prep). The quality paint we wanted ended up not being the paint we got, which was not noticed by my husband and I right away. Michael convinced us that this low end Sherwin Williams paint was as good as the more expensive SW paint. Not so. Michael came back and did some touch ups, but after that one time, forget about getting a return phone call. DO NOT HIRE THEM.

  • Brian Wolf

    Brian Wolf


    Summary, long review below. LATEST RESULT, HE REFUSED TO REFUND ME THE MONEY HE PROMISED HOMEADVISOR AND MYSELF. I HAD TO HAVE ANOTHER PAINTING COMPANY COME OUT AND REDO MY HOUSE!!! I had to escalate this to HomeAdvisor so that the owner would finally call me back. Caulking falling off my house after 8 weeks. Project still incomplete 16 weeks later!!! Absolutely this contractor is one to avoid! The owner is a nice guy, but you CANNOT take him at his word. Once final payment was made I could not get a hold of him anymore. Yes I do have a contract with him for a 1 year warranty. Do not make the same mistake I did. Hire a true professional. His crew is a quick blow over type job at best. Good if you want to sell you house. I am an engineer by trade and have seen a lot of bad contractors... Complete Review: Mike is a great salesman. He picked the colors for our house and did a great job, love the colors he chose. Very easy to work with in the beginning. Hired the end of June 2015. Project still is not complete and it is the end of October 2015. Yes 16 weeks or 4 months later Unfortunately that ended right after final payment. His crew was messy but okay at best. I am just glad I was there to check over their work every evening. They didn't caulk or scrape anything, They had simply painted over it. I discussed this with Mike and he made them redo that work, however their rework was average at best. There is spider webs, and leaves in my paint, misses spots, very very poor caulking, over spray and just very unprofessional work. But they color scheme he chose is great! His crew wanted to be done in 1 day, which isn't possible on my 2 story house. It ended up taking 4 days, but they didn't show up to work until about 12:00 PM and worked until 7 or 8PM. Mike had to come back to my house 6 times to do touch ups and rework. They missed several spots all over the house. Missed several spots caulking. They also used interior paint on the outside of my front door. In touching up they got paint all over my weatherstripping. Mike promised he would replace that but never did. All of this extra time coming back and fixing all of the mistakes has taken an additional 8 weeks. Since this I have had caulking already shrink back and I have gaps in my house again. I am sure it has something to do with his crew painting the house, then caulking and then painting again all within an hour. I am not sure as I am not a professional painter. I do know that caulking should not be shrinking back in 8 weeks! It is like this all over my house. I have been trying to contact Mike now for 8 weeks to get him back to fix these issues. Unfortunately that has not happened. I made the final payment to him back in late July based on his word that he would take care of these problems. He has promised me again and again that he would "take care of this for me" Mike now has put me off for 9 weeks, and has not returned any of my phone calls or texts for about 3 weeks. I called HomeAdvisor 5 days ago and they reached out to him as well with no success. I called HomeAdvisor back today and they escalated my issue to a formal complaint. Within 15 minutes what do you know Mike finally called me back. It had been 3 weeks before that with several voice messages and texts with no response. I left him a text and a voice message right before I called HomeAdvisor as well. Mike's proposed resolution was to offer me some money back to hire someone else to finish the work. I agree that should be the right thing to do. I am not sure that the price he is offering is even close to enough to finish the work. He has not come by to see what we are working with. I will get some estimates and follow up on this and report back what the final resolution is. I hope I will be able to do that. I wish I would have looked around more on here. I have been using this site for about 8 years now and have had nothing but AMAZING contractors. I jumped the gun a bit with him due to a new baby that is now here.

  • en

    jennifer call


    This guy is a scam artist. It was by far the worst paint job we have ever had. Charged the same as a high end painter. I've had to have the entire house repainted. In process of suing them and made a complaint against better business. Owners name is Michael. He is worthless.

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