Jaehee Bridal Atelier w Englewood

Stany ZjednoczoneJaehee Bridal Atelier



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66, North Van Brunt Street, 07631, Englewood, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-541-0077
strona internetowej: www.jaeheebridal.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.896394, Longitude: -73.974123

komentarze 5

  • en

    Amanda V


    Olivia made my dress shopping experience the most enjoyable I could of imagined it to be!! She listened to my likes & dislikes, and ended up picking out my dress herself on the first try!! She was funny, sweet, patient, super knowledgeable in the wedding dress industry, and made me feel very comfortable during my appointment! My family adored her as well, as she listened to everyone's opinions and made sure to include them in our dress picks! If you go to this bridal store, there is no consultant better, you will thank me later!! Thank you Olivia !!!

  • en

    Danielle McGovern


    Jaehee Bridal is absolutely amazing. I was extremely nervous and overwhelmed by dress shopping and Aja helped me through it with ease. She listened to what I liked as well as what I didn't like. Based on what I told her she picked out an array of dresses for me to try on and was helpful in giving honest feedback and making sure that any comments I made were noted when she was choosing the next dress to try on. Being the professional she is she encourage me to try on a style that I thought I wouldn't like. However, she knows best. It fit perfectly and ended up being the one! Not only was my experience of dress shopping outstanding, their customer service is unmatched! I live in NC and was having issues scheduling fittings between the long lasting winter as well as my school schedule. They were very patient and found every way possible to make it seamless and easy for me to get my dress before my day! I would recommend Jaehee Bridal to any bride to be and I could not be any happier with my choice in using them.

  • en

    Tara Madigan


    First and most importantly, I absolutely LOVED the dress I purchased at Jaehee bridal. Their shop carries an amazing line of dresses in a wide range of prices. Please note that most shops don’t carry dresses less than around $1000, including this one, but that’s typical for most bridal boutiques. My wife and I were both looking at dresses side by side and they were able to accomodate us without us seeing each other in each dress. (We went together so that our bridesmaids could tell us if we coordinated). The setup of this shop is also beautiful- the lighting truly makes the dresses pop and allows you to see exactly what they’ll look like on the big day. The consultants are patient and were really able to capture our vision and pull dresses that we described. The pricing is fair (including alterations) and appointments were quick and easy. They also carry a large range of bridesmaids dresses and offer a discount if you buy your dress there. I would definitely recommend stopping in here to check out their selection-- you might find the dress of your dreams!

  • Jeanelle Taverni

    Jeanelle Taverni


    I had the unfortunate experience of working with Gabriela at Jaehee Bridal Atelier as my first experience dress shopping. I left with a sinking feeling in my stomach and expected dress shopping would continue to be a painful, miserable experience. As a first time bride, I hoped to find a consultant who would be helpful and willing to make suggestions, but Gabriela was anything but helpful or courteous. She was very short with me, spent most of the time focusing on what wouldn't work, and kept reiterating that I needed to find a dress quickly (3 other salons told me that I had a solid 3 week cushion before I needed to order). I left feeling fat (I'm a street size 6), picky, and demoralized because I thought I'd never find a dress that would work. Luckily, my experience at another salon was quite the opposite. I found 3 dresses I liked in 1/2 hour and we smiled and laughed the entire time and popped a bottle of champagne at the end when I found a dress that I love. My lesson learned: Finding a dress can be a fun experience or a miserable one and who you work with as your bridal consultant largely determines this. If you want to feel rushed and have someone who is negative with little industry knowledge of suggestions, Gabriela is your girl. If you would like dress shopping to be a positive experience, look elsewhere.

  • Mary Kathleen Hart

    Mary Kathleen Hart


    I had the most amazing experience at Jaehee!! I worked with Eileen and she could not have been more helpful!! I wasn't exactly sure what I was looking for and Eileen made the whole experience so fun and exciting! I met with Jaehee herself for my measurements and she was absolutely great to work with. Not only does she own the shop but she has her own line of gowns so she has a special eye!! The entire staff went above and beyond to make my experience top notch!! I can't wait to wear the dress of my dreams!!!

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