Jacqueline's on Main w Nanuet

Stany ZjednoczoneJacqueline's on Main



🕗 godziny otwarcia

129, Main Street, 10954, Nanuet, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-507-0120
strona internetowej: www.jwineonmain.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0926176, Longitude: -74.0129689

komentarze 5

  • Suzie Hatton

    Suzie Hatton


    The food was mediocre. Big portion size. The service was slow and not very attentive. The guy behind the bar was not friendly and made a point to tell the waitress that a party of ten would be in at 9pm (we arrived at 6pm, so no need to announce that loudly in front of us). I wanted to try this place for a while now. I’m glad I tried it, but I won’t be back.

  • Erik Badillo

    Erik Badillo


    An amazing place with great food and a really nice vibe. Beautifully done with an attentive and friendly staff.

  • en

    Janine Carrillo


    Always a good time!! Atmosphere is upbeat & fun. Staff is extremely friendly & attentive. Food is delicious! Can't wait to go back!

  • Leticia C. Brandão Parizzi

    Leticia C. Brandão Parizzi


    The food was good, but the service was completely AWFUL!! We arrived and immediately ordered a wine. After that it took 40 minutes for the waitress to come back to our table, considering that we asked for her to come twice during this time. When she finally came, she took our order and started to set the plates on the table. As she forgot one of my friends plate, I said “there is one plate missing”. The manager rudely replied “she is bringing it. She just has two hands.” As all of this was not enough, they had put a 18% gratuity automatically on our bill!!! And the bill also had on the bottom the gratuity to be completed! We complained and they said they supposedly couldn’t take that off because the “system” put that for every party that has more than five people. NEVER coming back again!

  • Lilian Zapata

    Lilian Zapata


    Food and drinks are ok - pricey though. The manager Brian was giving us attitude when we complain about the slow service (saying he has only 2 hands). Besides, they automatic charged 18% as gratuity - for a poor service?! That’s unbelievable!

najbliższy Bar

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