Jacksonville Pet Funeral Home & Pet Crematory en Jacksonville

Estados UnidosJacksonville Pet Funeral Home & Pet Crematory



🕗 horarios

4969, Beach Boulevard, 32207, Jacksonville, Duval County, US Stany Zjednoczone
contactos teléfono: +1 904-724-5556
sitio web: www.jacksonvillepetcrematory.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 30.297015, Longitude: -81.615203

comentarios 5

  • Chris Jones

    Chris Jones


    Great place to take your pet for its final resting place

  • Damaris



    The most Unprofessional and Unethical place to have your pets be cremated or buried at!!! I must first start off by saying that this was not a place of my choosing but one that my vet uses. Last July, I had to make the hard decision of putting my 7 year old pug down due to health complications. After, she had passed I left her with the vet who then was in charge of her funeral arrangements. I was told that I would be contacted in 2 weeks by them (vet) when everything was completed. I then left for my home to mourn the loss of my pet. I was then contacted by email two days later by the funeral home that was taking care of her cremation. Their e-mail had this loving and caring feel to it that I felt my beloved pet was being care by the best of the best. In that e-mail Jimmy who is the owner stated that he had several items of memorabilia that you could purchase. One of the things that I wanted most was a lock of her hair and a paw print on clay. I e-mail and called as the e-mail indicated and waited for a response. I again received the e-mail two days after the first which was a Monday. So, I found it strange that I was getting a duplicate e-mail but had received no response to the first e-mail I sent and to the voicemail I had left for Jimmy. Upon, receiving this e-mail and no response I contacted Jimmy again by phone and low and behold Mr. Jimmy picks up. The conversation started off a little awkward because he sounded irritated that someone had contacted him but anyways I proceed to tell him who I was and why I was calling. He got really irritated because he didn’t know what I was talking about so when I re-explained why I had called he looked in his system and find my dogs info. Now this is where the conversation between him and I that goes to the left real quick. Once Jimmy finds the info on my pet with no regard to my feels or how he delivered the message he states, “Yeah, she got cremated yesterday, what do you want again?” My heart immediately drops and I am confused. I was told that it would take two weeks for everything to get done and why did I receive an e-mail that day from his business if they had already cremated her? When asked these questions Jimmy went into immediate defensive mode and began to talk without stopping until he made his point and hung up. I immediately called back due to the fact that he was really unprofessional and did not answer my questions. It took me a few tries but he called me back once I left a message on his company’s answering machine stating that I would be reporting him to the BBB. Immediately upon hearing that Jimmy calls back a decides that maybe we should talk this out and he should explain why he did what he did. Throughout that conversation Jimmy sounded drunk, challenged, and unprofessional. He even went as far as asking me to take him out to lunch because I sound like a good “Lay”. Lord, Jesus sounds made up, right? No, this really happened. At the end of the day I was even more saddened by the fact that my pet was taken care of by this man. Who knows if the remains that I have in the box he returned to my vet are even my dogs. He ethical and unprofessionalism are not one that you’d want to deal with or have your beloved pet being handled by. His site says he has been in service for over 20 years or so but trust and believe if he was that great he’d have more good than bad on his ratings. DO NOT CHOSE THIS PLACE FOR YOUR PETS FINAL CARE!!!

  • Lee Ann Imperiale

    Lee Ann Imperiale


    I want to tell everyone about the amazing job that Jacksonville Pet Funeral Home and Pet Crematory did when it came to my beloved Ladybug. My kitty was 25 years old when I had to have her put to sleep and she was my baby. I communicated with the owner Jimmy personally and he assured me that my pet would get the best care. It took about 10-12 business days to get her back which is what my vet told me it would take. Since they cremate each animal individually that is being returned to the owner it does take some time. I feel great knowing that my beloved kitty was taken such great care of. When I picked her ashes back up there was a beautiful folder with her certificate in it. Also a couple of surprises, they sent me a lock of her fur and a pretty little card that had her foot print in it. I didn't know that I was going to be getting those things and It meant so much to me to have those last little pieces of her. The box that her ashes in it is so beautiful. I will absolutely use their services again in the future when it is needed. I also want to add that the owner called me personally tonight and spent an hour on the phone with me making sure that I was happy with the service and wanted me to know that he keeps his word and if he says that he is going to call back he does that. I really appreciate that he took the time to speak to me personally it means a hell of a lot. I will recommend this place to ANYONE that needs their services.

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    Mark Van Wagner


    The owner has an issue in the compassion department. He also becomes very defensive whenever there is an issue. Customer concerns follow second to him defending his business or himself. So, we had a beloved pet die late Tuesday. My wife called him first thing in the morning. She said she felt good about the place because he bragged about how long he had been in business and how the Navy trusts them with their service animals. We set an appointment with him for the same morning. I showed up with our deceased pet and met with him. There was no handshake, there were no introductions, and zero compassion in his voice. It was straight to his desk, to fill out paperwork. It felt like i was at a car dealership filling out a purchase agreement. In fact, the first and only time he asked the pet's name was when he needed to write it on the paperwork. Once I signed, he told me three to four days, and I was out the door. I told my wife about the awkward encounter. Later that day, while I was at work, I had some concerns about specifics...how the ashes would be handled, etc. I contacted my wife and asked if she could call. She did, and got clarification for me. She apparently brought up interaction to him during that call. He blamed it on me! He also told her that the remains should be ready for pickup on Saturday...Sunday at the latest. On Sunday, around three o'clock, I hadn't heard from him, so I verified on the internet that they were open until five that day. I then called and got the voicemail, in which I left a polite message asking about the availability of the remains for pickup. About an hour later, my wife called. He picked up. He said that they closed at two, not five. And asked where we got that information. My wife told him that it was on the website. He informed her that it was not correct and not to worry, he would be fixing that as soon as he got off the phone. He also told us that the remains were ready, but we could not pick them up that day, but would have to wait until our 10:30 appointment on Monday. My wife then set an appointment for 10:00 on Monday after cancelling the mysterious 10:30 appointment that neither my wife or I had made. He also said that he would like to give us a credit towards a future cremation...gee, cremating my next pet, that is something I want to think about. Monday, I showed up at 10:00 on the dot. Front door is locked, side door is locked. A garage bay door is partially open, i look in it and see no one. I call. He picks up, i tell him that I am locked outside. He says he was in the bay but will come up front and let me in. He does, telling me that he was in the bay working, again. I told him I looked in the bay and saw no one, that is why I called. We again walked straight to the desk, he shows me a box with remains and a card with various memorial papers in it, asked me to sign for receipt, hands me the items and I am back out the door. No handshake, no thanks, no sorry for your loss, no mention of the credit that he told my wife he wanted to provide. I walk out the door, and on the sidewalk, walking to my car, I shake my head...just glad to be done with it. This dude, runs to the door, comes outside and asks me if there is a problem. I said I am just glad we are done and want to leave. He then says, that he saw me shake my head and asks me again if there is a problem. I told him thay actually there was. I said i had been through this process three times now (the other two were in different states), and this was absolutely the worst of the experiences. Do you think he wanted to know why? Do you think he wanted to make things right with the customer? No, he just said, "Well, thank you", and then stepped back inside, locking the door behind him. They're motto is ' Because They Loved Us". I personally think that if you pet spent be whole life loving you, then you should really consider that when determining who is going to handle their remaina.

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    Użytkownik Google


    I first got the paging service when I called, but I got a call right back. It's the owner that actually handles the calls. He was very compassionate and easy to deal with. My situation was a "touch and go" for a couple of days and he was very patient and understanding. What I especially liked about this service is it is LOCAL and INDIVIDUAL. As much as I loved my vet's office, they dealt with a cremation service that was in Apopka, FL. I just didn't want my loyal friend either being shipped out there or picked-up with dozens of other animals in the area for a mass cremation.

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