Jackson Gyro i New York

Forenede StaterJackson Gyro



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85-30, 37th Avenue, 11372, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 718-433-9408
internet side: www.jacksongyro.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.7499992, Longitude: -73.8807161

kommentar 5

  • Nicholas Stebenne

    Nicholas Stebenne


    My #1 family dinner spot in JH! Super friendly, family owned and run greek restaurant, not a dinner! They make their own bagels, daily. Affordable brunch and dinner menu with some vegetarian options. The platter of 3 selections of meat if perfect for 2 adults. The meat is well flavoured, lean and always fresh, the 1/2 dozen times I've been here. Their salads are loaded with crispy veggies. Can't wait to come back...

  • Anthony Ortiz

    Anthony Ortiz


    Good service. Good food and cheap. Def like coming here for breakfast. Place is usually packed so heads up on that.

  • Samantha Abreu

    Samantha Abreu


    The staff was so attentive, my order was taken fast and order did not take long to arrive. My gyro was super tasty and the pita bread was not greasy. I will definitely be going back.

  • Chris Vasilas

    Chris Vasilas


    Best gyro in New York . French fries are spectacular. Try the chicken doner it’s amazing. Service was very good . Place looks beautiful. A real jewel for the neighborhood.

  • en

    George M


    The best pork gyro I had so far outside Greece !!! I liked the place . Decoration was nice and the stuff behind the counter welcomes you with a smile. Everything we tried was well cooked and tasty. Needs improvement on the service, but I'm definitely see my self going back.

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