Jack In The Box in Glendale

Vereinigte StaatenJack In The Box



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Montag24 stunden geöffnet
Dienstag24 stunden geöffnet
Mittwoch24 stunden geöffnet
Donnerstag24 stunden geöffnet
Freitag24 stunden geöffnet
Samstag24 stunden geöffnet
Sonntag24 stunden geöffnet
20209, North 59th Avenue, 85308, Glendale, Maricopa County, US United States
kontakte telefon: +1 623-362-3564
webseite: locations.jackinthebox.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.6699613, Longitude: -112.1862634

kommentare 5

  • en

    johnathan smithkowski


    I like the food at Jack in the Box but every time I go they mess up my order. one time I decided to go in and order the number 15 and what I got was a 13, now i'm not one to get mad very easily so I walked up to the counter and told them it was wrong so they said it would be right out and I was like okay this is fine no big deal. the food comes up and I go to grab it, its wrong again. feeling a bit annoyed i walk back up and tell them that they messed up again. At this point they started to get angry and told me very rudely to sit back down and that they would get my food. The food they eventually got me was trash and they refused to give me a refund. I will never go to this location again.

  • lynn flanigan

    lynn flanigan


    Food was old and cold cook was throwing things around use to love this place but new payment is bad

  • Gardenofgrey Skull

    Gardenofgrey Skull


    Not very helpful or friendly drive thru employee. I don't expect bubbly fake smiles, just a minimal amount of respect and helpfulness.

  • Lola Feng

    Lola Feng


    This Jack in the box restaurant is great. It is clean, food was fast and delicious. The service was great. The lady Olivia help us. She was energetic, happy like she really loves her job. She was smiling all the time. Makes me feel welcome. I ask her if I could take a picture of her for this post.

  • en

    Brandon Wenzel


    I’m getting sick of this bitter old lady that works nights there. I don’t get off until 12am and she’s usually there. I order a 3$ special that has 3tacos and a drink, and a jumbo jack(2.99). 6$ + tax. Should be less than .60 cents. Total she gives me is 8.11$. I explain that it’s not 2$ in tax. She won’t even look at me and says, computer says 8.11$ After explaining it again to her she says it’s 8.11$. Jack and the Wacko needs to put employees that can handle customers right. All she did was give me an angry look as I asked for my money back and told me to go. 🤬. Not my first bad experience with this lady and her bad attitude as she limps around this place. Get rid of her, please!

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