J C Auto Repair en Hempstead

Estados UnidosJ C Auto Repair


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522, West Peninsula Boulevard, 11550, Hempstead, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-292-2676
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6997651, Longitude: -73.6287161

comentarios 5

  • Noe Sura

    Noe Sura


    Decent People. Hard Workers.

  • en

    Henry Cataldo


    Very bad neighborhood a real butcher shop

  • ricardo torres

    ricardo torres


    Buen servicio personal honesto

  • es

    Bairon Izaguirre


    Servicio eficiente, Buena atención por sus 2 Buenos Mecánicos con mucha experiencia

  • en

    Karen Sheppard


    This repair shop is so terrible it really gets no stars(you have to choose in order to post. They are the most dishonest people. They are professional thieves. They mislead and lie. The pretend to fix cars and continually charge you. The most annoying part is they act like they don't speak English but when it comes to money they can speak English fluently. We had the displeasure of interacting with a two guys one named (Santos) and the other named (Freddie). WHO sold us a LEMON from the start. Took $5,200 cash and even cashed an additional $500.00 check for a repair that should have been done before the car was sold. We were told to try the car out if the repairs weren't done when the title comes we could bring it back and get the money - but 1 day after getting the title they have given us the run around and have rescinded their verbal agreement. We now have to obtain an attorney and file a police report just to try to get our money back. I am TELLING , everyone if you see this shop please DO NOT patronize or bring your car/ buy a car from this shop. We are honest working people who tried to purchase a car to take the kids around. It is disheartening when you are scammed. THEY are the worse, they are CON ARTIST, LIARS and just not TRUSTWORTHY. I write this review for others who might be like us and don't have money to be wasting. This is a lesson to ALL viewers no matter how friendly people may seem , sometimes they are all about the money and not about the customers. So If ANYONE works on cars and can use the parts from another BENZ the car is sitting at our home until we get a CIVIL COURT DATE just in case the judge needs to see it. I will try to recoup some of our honest earned money.

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