iZoom USA w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneiZoom USA


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

273, Powell Street, 11212, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-395-3434
strona internetowej: izoomusa.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.6676648, Longitude: -73.9034429

komentarze 5

  • Jo



    I have purchased 3 refurbished computers from this company and I have a 4th in transit. I think one might have been slightly different from what I thought I was getting but I was still impressed with the model I got. Two of the 3 computers are still working - going on 2 years - with zero problems. The first computer I ordered from iZoomUSA died [hard drive failure] 3 days ago but for the price I paid and for as long as I had it I can't complain at all. Not at all! It did what I needed it to do and more. I have not had any problems with this company. Therefore I highly recommend it for what it offers. I am not sure a refurbished laptop is for everyone because refurbished means exactly that and nothing more. If you want all the bells and whistles you should probably save for a new one. I know that when I want a laptop ASAP that will do what I want it to do and I don't have a lot of money iZoomUSA is who I go to. I know I am getting a good product for a good price and that is the way I prefer to roll.

  • Jim Kane

    Jim Kane


    Don't buy from these guys - they are inept @ best. Bought a laptop just before Christmas 2017. They sent me 2 (yes 2) laptops - neither of which was the correct spec (less RAM than I ordered). Machines were beat up too. Used the RMA process for the return and requested a refund - was not processes - had to go back & forth several times (took a LONG time to resolve - THEN they shorted me for restocking fee). They claimed to New Egg 'buyers remorse' as reason for return - not sending the wrong item - justifying it with "we offered a replacement". Sleazy business - buy from a reputable pace - it's worth the extra money.

  • joshua mcclure

    joshua mcclure


  • en



    I was looking for a budget priced laptop. I have been a customer of Sears for over 20 years and have had always enjoyed great customer service. So when I ordered the laptop from them with a vendor of ZoomUSA I did not question the validity of the company. However, they sent a broken computer and will not contact me back after three phone calls and three emails. They require an RMA to return within 21 days. I have spoken to Sears and they are trying to assist me but ZoomUSA will not get back with them either. DO NOT PURCHASE FROM THEM.

  • Nichole Crandall

    Nichole Crandall


    They sell bad laptops. Falsely advertised as in good working conditioned. I recieved a laptop with a dead battery. They claimed they shipped a batter over 30 days ago. When they "don't sell batteries". They refuse to replace the battery, or refund my money. They no longer respond to my emails. And have no responded to my better business Bureau claim either. They will rip you off!!!!! Check out all the complaints with the bbb before buying anything from these scammers!

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